

Business operations and project management success depends on implementation of best practices. VIMEX Technologies offers a broad spectrum of advisory services and relevant methodology to help businesses in establishing their contract or project management offices (PMO) and implementing formal contract and project management processes within the organization.

Many years of the diversified experiences accumulated by the VIMEX Technologies teams are reflected in the numerous publications and reports. Samples of some documents are provided within this website. The following illustrates just another of the VIMEX's proprietary documents which specifically reflects our contract and project management expertise:

Bullet2 VIMEX Project Management Handbook (PMH) Arrow_RPMH Table of Contents.

A key step in successful development of specific, customized, clear and easy to implement contract and project management procedures and relevant documentation templates, for any company, must be based on the best project management practices. When implemented, the procedures presented in PMH shall ensure the best use of the company�s resources, encourage the delivery of contracts, projects and work packages on time, within budget, and to the highest level of quality. The major expected outcome of the PMH utilization is the company�s ability to execute complex advanced contracts and technology projects better, faster, and cheaper.

The PMH is intended to be a management guide for implementation of the most effective contract and project management procedures for each contract or project engagement. It represents a systematic view of the major contract or project management activities and subject areas and covers all phases of the engagement life cycle. Being a manager�s guide of the step-by-step implementation of all major contract or project management procedures, as well as repository of the key documentation templates, the PMH shall assure that there is very little learning curve for a manager and the team members as they come on board or transition from one engagement to another.

The PMH document covers the basics of the PMO, a company�s unit that is responsible for all aspects of the contract and project management. The PMO basics are followed in the PMH by the detailed step-by-step project management procedures, developed by VIMEX Technologies. These procedures cover all the five project life cycle phases, as per the Project Management Institute (PMI) widely recognized methodology:

BulletProject Initiating BulletProject Planning BulletProject Executing BulletProject Controlling BulletProject Closing.

In accordance with the PMI's Project Management Institute Book of Knowledge (PMBoK) classification, those five project management phases or groups of procedures are mapping the nine basic project management knowledge areas:

BulletProject Integration Management BulletProject Scope Management BulletProject Time Management
BulletProject Cost Management BulletProject Quality Management BulletProject Human Resources Management
BulletProject Communications Management BulletProject Risk Management BulletProject Procurement Management.

As per PMBoK, these nine knowledge areas cover in total the thirty-nine major project management activities. All these project management groups, knowledge areas and activities are represented in the PMH document, which also includes specific procedures developed by VIMEX.

Bullet The full PMH document can be obtained from VIMEX Technologies, for a fee, by sending an order, using "Contact Us" information at:


Along with the best practices, the contract or project management success obviously depends on fast access to relevant and current information. The following are some of those links your business can always rely on in the contract and project management activities.

Bullet The Project Management Institute (PMI) offers a variety of resources for project management professionals at:


Bullet A recognized authority in contract management, the International Association for Contract & Commercial Management (IACCM), now World Commerce and Contracting (WorldCC) offers relevant resources for contract management professionals at:


Bullet IT World Canada is one of the best information resources for Canadian IT professionals at:

